Lebanon High School is an approved A+ campus.
To be eligible for the financial incentives of the A+ Schools Program, a student must be certified as an A+ Student by Lebanon High School. The A+ Coordinator has the responsibility to certify whether a graduate of LHS has met the criteria of the program. To qualify for certification, the student must meet the following nine requirements:
Requirement 1: Enter into a written agreement prior to graduation and have attended Lebanon High School for three years. Students must sign a written A+ Agreement (located on page 6 of this handbook) and must attend LHS or transfer to LHS from another designated A+ school district during the entire sophomore, junior, and senior years.
Requirement 2: Graduate from high school with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. This grade point average will represent the applicant’s cumulative GPA which includes the freshman through senior years. A student with a 2.49 or lower will not be eligible. The weight of weighted graded is NOT used to meet this 2.5 GPA.
Requirement 3: Have a 95% cumulative attendance record. The applicant must have a 95% or better average attendance record for the four-year period – freshman through senior years. A student with a 94.99 percent or lower attendance record will not be eligible. Students along with their parents, may appeal the attendance requirement if extenuating circumstances exists that negatively impact the attendance percentage. An official appeals form can be obtained in the LHS A+ office.
Requirement 4: Perform and document 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring of younger students through a school approved program. The following guidelines should be followed for the completion of this requirement. Should a question concerning this requirement arise, please contact the A+ Coordinator.
All tutoring and mentoring activities will be designed to involve the A+ applicant with other students in the A+ district. Students may tutor in a K-8 sending school by special arrangement.
A minimum of 37.5 hours of the required hours must be in direct student tutoring and/or mentoring. Zero hours will be accepted for community service, setting up events or anything else that does not directly involve student tutoring and/or mentoring.
Tutoring and mentoring will provide, as an ultimate goal, encouragement to students to get more deeply interested in school, stay in school, and strive for good grades.
Tutoring and mentoring activities will be curriculum-based and under the auspices of the Lebanon R-3 school (not private or public sector programs in which the school has no input into the activity).
The tutoring and mentoring activities must occur before, after, or during the school day. Students will not be allowed to leave the LHS campus during the school day for tutoring/mentoring purposes.
All tutoring and mentoring must be supervised and verified by a teacher, principal, counselor, or the A+ coordinator.
The required 50 hours of tutoring must be completed prior to graduation to be considered for A+ status. Students are responsible for maintaining copies of their tutoring logs and turning them into the A+ office.
Requirement 5: Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoidance of the unlawful use of drugs (including alcohol). Participating in the A+ Program is an honor and unique privilege for LHS students. Students pursuing the A+ incentives must maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs/alcohol. Certification of good citizenship will be based on official discipline records maintained by the high school. Students who are denied A+ certification based upon citizenship will be able to appeal the decision to the A+ Appeals Committee.
Requirement 6: Make a good faith effort to secure federal post-secondary student financial assistance funds. During the applicant’s senior year, he/she will be required to complete an application for securing federal post-secondary financial assistance (FAFSA). The student must file the FAFSA form by April 1 to be considered a good faith effort to secure federal post-secondary financial assistance funds.
Requirement 7: Register for the Selective Service by the age of 18 (males only).
Requirement 8: Algebra I EOC -Qualifiers must achieve a score of Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra I End of Course exam. EOC retakes will be allowed, if necessary, by the state for those seeking A+ qualification.
If you meet all of the eligibility requirements except the end of course exam requirement, you may establish eligibility by achieving a qualifying score on the mathematics component of the ACT test and the corresponding GPA. You may achieve the qualifying score as a high school or postsecondary student. If you achieve the score as a postsecondary student you may be eligible for an award in the same term that you take the test. The MDHE will announce the qualifying ACT scores annually.
The 2020 high school seniors who do not achieve a score of Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra I, or a higher level math, EOC must achieve one of the following standardized test scores or have a combined ACT math score and high school GPA in accordance with the following scale:

Requirement 9: Deadlines
Deadline for seniors to enroll is April 15th of their senior year.
Deadline for seniors to turn in all material to meet requirements is the seniors last day of school.
Deadline to be recognized in the graduation ceremony handout is the last day of school one week before graduation.
Please contact us for more information:
Bob Matthews
Assistant Principal/A+ Coordinator
777 Brice Street
Lebanon, MO 65536
Phone: (417) 657-6006
Email: [email protected]
Ashley Bateman
A+ Coordinator
Email: [email protected]