Instructor, Rebecca Hudson
GRADE 11, 12 (1 CREDIT)
Academy: Business, Management & Administration
Pathway: Finance
Recommended course prior to Entrepreneurship (can be concurrent)
Whether you plan to own a business, run a business, you will need to be able to speak the language of business. Accounting is the language of business. This class will introduce you to a variety business financial concepts that determine the direction of a business. You will learn to interpret financial information and guide a company in a positive direction. Different types of business transactions will be analyzed and evaluated in order for you to learn to how to complete the accounting cycle.
High School of Business™ is designed much like a college business administration program. High School of Business™ is designed so students take a sequence of four courses, one course per year, beginning with Leadership in Business/Wealth Management. The program continues with courses in various business functions concluding with the capstone course, Business Strategies that requires implementation of the principles addressed throughout the High School of Business™ program.
Academy: Business, Management & Technology
Pathway: High School of Business™
Leadership doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Fortunately, we can learn leadership skills (or improve them if you’re a natural). In this course you will build the leadership skills you need to excel in college and career. You will discuss contemporary leadership and teamwork literature, complete a team-based project and put your leadership skills into action at school, at home, and in the community.
Learn how to take charge of your money to build wealth. In this course, you’ll gain the smarts you’ll need to make major purchases – such as a car or a house, along with ways to protect your money, such as insurance and investing. And true to the High School of Business™ program, this course isn’t just about sitting and listening. You’ll do hands-on projects. At the end of the course, your class will get a chance to teach your new skills to others by offering your community a money management course.
Academy: Business, Management & Technology
Pathway: High School of Business™
Prerequisite: Complete application process, teacher permission.
Q: What do your favorite rock group’s tour schedule, the logo on a coffee mug, and the Wall Street Journal have in common? A: Business. It’s everywhere. Principles of Business will open your eyes to the world of business. During the course you will be introduced to some of the major areas of business administration (marketing, management, and finance) through fun, real world projects. Ever thought about the choices that the Three Little Pigs made from an economic perspective: In Business Economics, you will consider how decisions (such as work vs. play or sticks vs. straw) affect business and individuals in the short and long term. You will also conduct research and examine business problems as you learn about microeconomic, macroeconomic and international economic concepts. Dual credit is an option through MSU/West Plains BUS 135.
***Personal Finance Credit: Students achieving benchmark competency levels related to Personal Finance in both Leadership in Business/Wealth (HSOB Course 1) and Principles of Business/Business Economics (HSOB Course 2) will have the opportunity to take the Personal Finance State Test. Students achieving a passing score established by the Lebanon District on the Personal Finance State Test will meet the Personal Finance graduation requirement.
Academy: Business, Management & Technology
Pathway: High School of Business™
Prerequisite: Principles of Business/Economics and/or teacher permission.
Q: Why would Volkswagen choose an email campaign over a television commercial? How does Nike determine its pricing strategy? Through projects and problem solving you will get inside marketers’ heads and find out what makes them tick. Projects in the course will challenge you to analyze the business world around you, work through key marketing decisions such as pricing and product image, and use your knowledge to develop a marketing strategy.
Can you imagine a company president who doesn’t understand finances? Learning how companies manage their money is important in any business career. In this course, you will face issues that concern financial markets and institutions. This includes how companies get money for improvements (a new building, a Super Bowl advertisement), make money (sales of products, investments), and keep track of money (understanding financial reports, making smart and ethical decisions). An online investing project provides hands-on experience (and fun!) in this important area of business.
Academy: Business, Management & Technology
Pathway: High School of Business™
Prerequisite: High Schools of Business Courses or Instructor Approval
1st Semester
Get an up-close look at managing. You’ll learn first-hand how to manage projects and people—and how to do it ethically and legally. This course includes individual and group work as you conquer problems in the different areas of management, including human resources management, risk management, project management, and knowledge management.
2nd Semester:
Here’s where it all comes together. In this course you will run your own business. Using the smarts gained in previous High School of Business™ courses, you’ll start by writing a real business plan. Then you’ll put that plan to action by opening and operating a business. You will tackle problems real business professionals face, such as interviewing, hiring and supervising staff, keeping financial records, evaluating results, and much more. Along the way you’ll find out how the areas of a company (marketing, finance, management, etc.) work together.
Dual credit is an option through MSU/West Plains for EPR 110 and MGT 120.
GRADE 11, 12 (1 CREDIT)
Academy: Business, Management & Technology
Pathway: High School of Business™
Prerequisite: Three (3) courses in the Business program prior to requesting enrollment, Interview. Concurrent enrollment in Principles of Management/Business Strategies.
The Supervised Business Experience (SBE) program is a workplace learning experience, which is an extension of the business education classroom. SBE training is designed for students in approved business education programs currently enrolled in a course such as Business Technology, Accounting II, and Network Administration. The SBE program provides on-the-job work experience that gives students the opportunity to master academic and workplace skills. Students can make the connection with real world expectations in terms of accuracy of work, production, staying on task, responsibility for work—all components which are stressed in the classroom setting. The work experience reinforces the importance of interpersonal skills, which gives students a forum to develop positive workplace experiences as they enter the workforce or prepare for continued education. The SBE program facilitates the transition from the classroom to the workplace.